Matt Charles-Jones recently spoke to Richelle Hunt and Jonathon Kendall from ABC Radio for The Conversation Hour, discussing microgrids, batteries and resilience. You can listen to the conversation via the link below.
The show was about the overall concept of building resilience, and small communities having the capacity for a backup supply for a period of time. They quizzed Matt about TRY’s 100% renewables goal, the buy-in of the community and the obstacles to achieving TRY’s goal. Hear Matt speak from the 12:30 minute mark.
The Conversation Hour, ABC Radio, broadcast Tuesday 10 August 2021, 11:00 am, Hear Matt speak from 12:30 – 20:40 minutes
And if you’re interested in a deeper conversation all about community energy and what TRY is working towards, listen to the Over the Fence podcast by Farmers for Climate Action from mid-2020. They interviewed Matt Charles-Jones and Matt Grogan, co-founders and both former Presidents of TRY, about community energy and how it can help build a stronger electricity grid.
A look at community-led energy with Totally Renewable Yackandandah
Over the Fence podcast, Farmers for Climate Action, episode 3
Both of these conversations give a real insight into what we’re doing and the motivations and benefits that drive a clean energy transition.
There are some points that I don’t understand in this article, can they be clarified for other articles?