TRY is seeking spaces to scale up to 100%
As your local community energy group, TRY has worked hard at getting solar systems onto Yack rooftops with the awesome result that we now have Victoria’s leading solar rooftop density at a little under 60%. The next step is scaling up to reach our 100% renewable energy goal, but in a way that’s local, with local ownership, and respecting Yack’s unique environment and heritage. Achieving the 100% goal will give Yack greater resilience and the many benefits of a renewable energy economy.
Yackandandah recently received funding from the Federal Government to undertake a feasibility study to set up a community-scale micro-grid, including energy generation and storage equipment. This will result in a Masterplan for Yackandandah that sets out how, and with what mix of installations, we can achieve the 100% renewable goal. In terms of generation assets, we are looking mainly at solar photovoltaics, though wind is possible. For energy storage, we are looking at battery technologies and pumped hydro as options.
As part of this project, we want to identify potential sites where a community-scale (small) solar farm (2-4 MW) and battery installation could be located.
Can you help us find potential sites? Do you own land that you think might be suitable – or know someone who has land that might fit the bill.
Sites need to satisfy a number of criteria, including:
- Orientation – ideally with a sunny, northerly aspect
- Area – about 3-8 Hectares, preferably cleared (depending on site availability, we may end up going with multiple smaller sites rather than one larger one)
- Location – needs to be reasonably close (say within 500m) of major 22kV power lines on major roads (the 22kV lines are shown on the AusNet map at
- Terms – negotiable – the land needs to be available for use for renewable energy on a long-term lease or purchase basis.
If you own or know of land you think may be suitable for solar generation (as per the criteria listed), and that is available for this purpose, you can contact us on a CONFIDENTIAL/ NO COMMITMENT basis.
Please contact
- Mark McKenzie-McHarg on 0417 556 979 or
- email [email protected]
by Tuesday 20th October.
‘Spring Conversation’ about Renewables
TRY is committed to continuing to engage with the Yack folks about the study, plans and options as the project matures. We are infinitely conscious that people are very determined not to damage our great local landscape.
To describe plans and hear where people’s concerns and wishes lie, we are also proposing a ‘Spring Conversation’ about our renewables plan in October or November (Covid-19 restrictions permitting). Watch this space for dates.