Acknowledgement of Country

Totally Renewable Yackandandah gathers in a small wooded valley alongside the Yackandandah and Commissioners Creeks…

Watts Happening

TRY partners with the local community and relevant organisations to inspire projects transitioning Yackandandah to clean, local sources of energy. We are constantly looking for projects that bring multiple benefits to our community and sharing that story with communities everywhere. Scroll down or use the menu bar at the top to get a taste of what we do.

We are gearing up for some events later this year – look out for this one coming soon!

One of our projects, the 100% Feasibility Study in 2022, was a crucial project on our journey. Watch the video below to find out the best value way for Yack to get to 100% renewable energy!

You can discover more TRY news, musings and case studies via the links below. We’ve almost finished our latest project, the Yackandandah Emergency Resilience Project, and will be posting about that soon.